Sunday, February 21, 2010

Payment Of Wages Act, 1936


i) Every person employed in any factory, upon any railway or through subcontractor in a railway and a person employed in an industrial or other establishment.
ii) The State Government may by notification extend the provisions to any class of person employed in any establishment or class of establishments.

Every person who is employed in any of the above mentioned establishments and who is drawing less than Rs. 1,600 per month.

Benefits :

The Act prescribes for
i) The regular and timely payment of wages (on or before 7th day or 10th day after last day of the wage period in respect of which the wages are payable)
ii) Preventing unauthorised deductions being made from wages and arbitrary fines.

Penal Provisions
Penalties are from Rs. 200-1000. Repeat offenses attract 1 to 6 months imprisonment and fine from Rs. 500-3000.
Delay wage payments attract penalty of Rs. 100 per day of delay.

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